With medical sciences advancing rapidly, more and more people have started looking into probiotics. These are tiny microbes that are present in our guts. Among other roles, the primary function of probiotics is to keep our digestive system running smoothly.
Today, there are many probiotic supplements on the market. However, there are many myths attached to them as well. Let's delve into some of these myths and see if there is any truth in them.
1. Probiotics Don't Work
It is a scientific fact that our guts are home to billions of good bacteria—a.k.a. probiotics. They play an active role in food digestion, which is a core function in our bodies.
Hence, balanced gut bacteria are essential for our overall health and fitness.
An imbalance of probiotics in the guts can lead to several issues beginning with digestion and stomach-related problems. If these issues continue, they can have adverse effects on other parts and functions of our body.
However, people still believe that probiotics don’t work. But the truth is that a good probiotic supplement can help ensure that your body has enough probiotics to keep it running smoothly.
2. A Healthy Person Doesn’t Need Probiotic Supplements
We live in a world filled with pollution that we consume daily through the air we breathe and the food we eat. Pollution and poor diets and are some of the most common factors affecting our gut bacteria.
Thus, taking a probiotic supplement can help seemingly healthy individuals maintain a balance of good microbes in their bodies.
3. The Best Probiotics Are the Ones with the Most Strains of Bacteria.
A probiotic supplement is prepared by combining different strains of bacteria. However, only looking at the number of strains is not a viable way to decide what's the best probiotic to take.
For probiotic supplements to improve your health, the strains of bacteria in them should work together. That is why the producers of probiotic supplements combine different strains of bacteria based on scientific research. However, it’s always best to do extra research to ensure these formulations are suitable.
In saying that, a probiotic with multiple strains is likely to be more potent than one with a single strain or lesser number of strains.
4. The Most Effective Probiotic is the One with the Highest Number of CFUs
As with the previous myth, this might be true in many cases. However, it is essential to remember one thing. The number of Colony Forming Units (CFUs) alone is not a good measure to decide what's the best probiotic supplement.
Different strains that the probiotic supplements include should be effective in working together.
5. You Should Only Take Probiotics with Antibiotics
Antibiotics—as the name suggests—kill bacteria in our bodies. We need to take antibiotics because not all bacteria are good and some of them cause illnesses.
However, while helping treat bacterial infections, antibiotics kill many of the good bacteria in our bodies. Hence, taking a probiotic supplement while taking antibiotics can be very helpful in restoring the balance in our gut bacteria by promoting healthy microbes.
You can also add probiotics to your routine diet as well. Not only will regular consumption support your gut bacteria, but it’ll prepare your body for when you do get sick and require antibiotics.
6. Taking Daily Doses of Probiotics Will Cause Dependence
Some people think that regular doses of probiotics can make their bodies dependent on these supplements. However, there is little to no truth in this myth.
Probiotics are the bacteria that naturally occur in our guts. Probiotic supplements only help maintain a healthy balance of these microbes in our bodies. Hence, any chances of your body forming some sort of reliance on probiotics are virtually non-existent.
7. Probiotics Cause Digestive Issues
Probiotics help prevent digestive problems, not cause them. These bacteria are already present in our bodies. So any adverse reaction of your body to the best probiotic supplements does not make much sense.
However, there can be two possible reasons you might feel digestive discomfort after taking a probiotic.
First, the probiotic may be removing harmful bacteria from your body which could cause brief discomfort. This reaction should go away after some time. Second, your body might be reacting to an allergen in the supplement, such as lactose.
So the resultant issue could be due to that allergen instead of the probiotic itself. If that happens to be the case, you should change your supplement and go for one free from that specific allergen.
8. Taking the Best Probiotic Supplement is Enough for My Gut Health
A high-quality probiotic supplement is one of the most helpful ways to ensure your gut flora's general health and well-being. It promotes good bacteria in your system and helps fight harmful bacteria.
However, even the best probiotic supplement alone—no matter how strong—is not a viable way to ensure your gut health stays strong. Instead, an overall healthy diet is crucial.
Poor dietary decisions are one of the leading causes for needing proobiotic supplements in the first place.
So, while a supplement is an excellent way to restore balance to the good bacteria in your gut, it does not remove the need to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
Are You Looking for the Best Probiotic Supplements to Take?
With so many options on the market, deciding which probiotic supplement to get for your gut health can be a difficult task.
With Progurt Probiotic Sachets, the decision is simple. Every sachet of our product contains over one trillion CFUs, equal to around 40 capsules of other brands in the market.
Due to its potency, you can take a weekly dose of our probiotic sachet instead of worrying about managing a daily dose.
It contains multiple strains of bacteria that have been carefully chosen through research and proven medical science.
Further, Progurt Probiotic Sachets are free of almost all major allergens, including dairy and soy. In addition, it is gluten-free as well as vegan friendly.
If you want to find more info about our products, check out the Probiotics Kits and Packs section on our website.